Food Security

Since our inception, community food security has been at the heart of our mission. This mission was put to the test during the 2021 Dixie Fire when overnight our farm transitioned into an emergency relief distribution center. We were able to donate more than 5,000lbs of produce to local food banks, shelters, meal preparation centers, and individuals/families directly impacted by the fire.

Today, LSFP is partnering with local agencies and nonprofits to plan for the future of food and farming in the region. Climate change, globalized food systems, and other factors have stressed supply chains and food availability in our rural, mountainous region. Working together with producation growers, gardeners, and local food advocates we hope to build regional resilience.

Food Access

We are committed to providing nutrient rich, local produce for ALL. We serve our region through a weekly farm stand (we accept EBT/Cal Fresh) and our honor system farm fridge, open 7 days a week. We offer subsidized produce to underserved populations, along with free healthy cooking classes and nutritional education. We donate free produce to food banks and crisis centers in our county.

Learn about our Affordable Produce Program

How to Buy Farm Fresh Produce

There are two ways to buy direct from LSFP’s Rugged Roots Farm—the Tuesday Evening Farm Stand and the self-serve Honor System Fridge open 7-days a week. Veggies, fruit, flowers, and herbs are available June through October at the farm.

Ways to Pay

We gladly accept cash, local check, Venmo, EBT and Farm Bucks!

Qualify for EBT/CalFresh? Great news! You can use your benefits at the Tuesday Evening Farm Stand and double your money through funding from 20,000 Lives (a Plumas County Public Health initiative). We are dedicated to making local food accessible so please take advantage and use CalFresh when you shop with us.

What are Farm Bucks? Farm Bucks are an upfront payment that gives you credit at the farm for all produce, flowers, and events. Available in amounts from $100 to $500 this early season payment helps cover costs as we start growing and before farm income is rolling in.